As Soytaş Group, we have a considerable place not only in Turkey but also worldwide with the services we have provided to the sector since the day we were founded. Our company, founded in 1999 by the Karakuş Family, continues its activities in a corporate structure.
Our Panadur, Panastone, Panaspacer and Panaplan brands are our main brands known in the sector. We mainly produce PVC, aluminum and rubber-based products. The raw materials we use in the production process are always carefully selected from the highest quality components and substances that do not harm human health.

We strengthen our success and international reputation in the sector day by day with our aesthetic designs, visionary steps and environmentally friendly values.
We continuously take our vision for the future one step further, inspired by our past.
If you would like to get detailed information about the products we manufacture and to cooperate with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can follow the latest information about the fairs we attend, the new products we develop and important developments in the industry here.